Thursday, October 25, 2012

Where Is Everyone?

Has everyone moved to tumbler? It seems like blogging has even become lazy and turned into just plain picture posting. That's not my thing. I appreciate a good story, someone's feelings expressed through their words. People these days. The world is moving so fast and I'm stuck in time.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Top 5 Feelings

Does anyone else feel a sense of renewal from vacuuming out their car? Am I really alone here? Honestly, it's one of my top 5 feelings. Let's see... 1.) Being kissed in public, 2.) The tanning booth, 3.) Getting into bed after an exhausting day, 4.) Vacuuming my car, and 5.) Getting an A on an assignment I busted my butt for. Those may seem in an odd order...but that's how I see things.


In other news, my Starbucks latte is fantastic so I shouldn't let anything bring me down today.

I Am So DAMN Blind

How could I not realize that my best friend felt hurt because I was spending so much time with my boyfriend?  I am so blinded by trying to be happy and making everyone around me happy that I can't see the important things in front of my face.  She's been my closest friend for years, five years to be exact.  She was my person for whatever it was I was going through.  From Utah to breakups to failures to depression - she was always my person.  How did I not see she was hurting because of ME?  I had a small feeling that something was different; she was fighting with me more often and over petty things that I didn't understand.  I wish she would have mentioned her feelings earlier so we wouldn't be at this point.  Romeo surprisingly knew what she was feeling.  Did I listen to him?  Of course not.  I went on, in my oblivious little world, continuing to hurt the person I care about more than myself.  If I hurt her, I only hurt myself.

I am so sorry.

I'm Back At It!

Hello blogging world. I haven't been around much; it's literally been over a year. So much has changed. As I read my past posts, I feel as if that part of my life was a dream and I just floated on with my eyes closed. I feel like I still have my eyes closed because I'm doing the same things everyday. Work at 7, school at 11, more school at noon, and more work at 3. Yep, I feel almost grown up; bitter, exhausted, surviving off coffee and retail therapy. Do I sound depressed? I feel it. Maybe it's a phase and I can just close my eyes and keep floating by until I wake up in a better place..... Until then, goodnight.